This is a really early version of an rpg game maker.

By the way! Here is a short tutorial on how to use the app:

To get started, upload a spritesheet or tileset containing where every tile needs to be 16x16 pixels big and right next to each other spaced evenly.

This is wrong. (spacing setting coming soon tho)

And this is correct.

If you need a tileset to use, then I can reccomend this one:

Now you can head over to the "Map editor" menu window.

Click somewhere on the canvas (big gray box), and you'll see the tile on the top left of your tileset appear on the screen. Click again to delete the tile.

To change which tile you want to place, you can change the "Choose tile from" X and Y inputs. Lets say you set the first value to 1 and the second to 0, this will give you the second tile on the first row. (Keep in mind that computers start at 0, and not at one)

you can also move around the canvas with WASD. Good luck making maps :)!

Currently there's (sadly) no way of saving your maps (I'll fix this soon!), so just take a screenshot and maybe post it in the comments! The game is also missing collisiohns, but thats coming soon!


wasd - camera / player

f and r - change chosen tileset

g and t - change tile x

h and y - change tile y

j and u - change layer

You can also alt + click to get a tile from one already placed, like a color picker but for tiles.

Unfortunately, there are a few bugs, and i dont know if i can fix all of them, uhm, yeah..

Development log

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